27 August 2010

It's been extra busy

Dear friends,

I have not had a chance to finish my Japan trips, it's been so extra busy with Lee and Jamon in town, not to say all these movie deals going on. It's driving me up the walls but I actually like it.


Where is Pithai?

I'm home.

I never loved visiting home during my years away. I loved seeing my family but the idea that I will move away again in such a short period of time didn't excite me very much.

I wanted a nice bedroom, one where I can decorate and actually have a future living in. I want to pick my furnitures, paint the walls and repaint them again.

This time feels different. Getting to help my parents at the company has made me feel significant, especially when I feel like I'm capable of handling it. Also, they have their trust in me that I am capable. It's a great company, but one that is a challenge for me to take it to the next level— which is why I am loving the challenge.

It's great to rekindle my relationship with my siblings. I miss having them around to nag and fight with, and also to just talk to about my feelings.

Anyway, this Pithai will always be bouncing from one place or another, but for now, the first time in the longest time, I feel home.


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