12 May 2010

Logan to LA via Bryce/Zion/St. George/Vegas

Tonight I finally made into Valencia, CA. after such a long drive.

Cortni, my wonderful girlfriend, got me a book by Thich Naht Hanh for my graduation called Be Free Where You Are and it has helped me tremendously to deal with this situation of me moving home and having to find out what I'm supposed to do.

This book has been amazing during the drive. I've enjoyed things more, ate mindfully, and was able to handle the drive without being too physically tired.

This post doesn't have any photos because all I brought is my Fuji polaroid, but I will scan those when I can. 

 I also lost $20 gambling and vow not to ever gamble ever again.

My little brother and I decided we would spend big and try out a Cirque du Solei show in Vegas. I've never done it and Luke Hancock suggested the Beatles' Love show. Poon and I love Beatles already so we tried it and boy was it worth the 200 something dollars we spent on tickets.

Now I just have to find how to hang out with some high school buddies before I leave to the land of the Thais.

Leave me a comment, I'm getting lonely in here.

I'm listening to Beatles' Something


  1. Love you baby.

  2. "to the land of thais" haha that line sounds familiar, anyways see you soon! Fysh tacos!!

    - Alberto

  3. I did that especially for you. by the way, check out my music suggestions. If I start writing about movies, you can add those too!

  4. I saw that show in Vegas, it was spectacular! I can't believe I didn't know you had a blog until now. I'm glad I get to see your updates.
