31 July 2010

Day 5 Japan

Time to say goodbye to Nobu and Miyuki. I took a train to Kyoto. Found a locker to put my luggage for ¥400 and then found a day pass for the bus. A vietnamese couple from Southern California named Viet and Fiona on my first bus recommended me to go to the Sanja sangedo. I wasn't planning on it but I went anyway. 

It was so awesome in there, there were a thousand Buddha statues in there surrounding a very gigantic statue of Buddha. 

Found my way to Ginkakuji, didn't care too much for the main attraction (silver temple) because the surrounding was soooo awesome. Met a girl from Czech Republic. 

Saw some American travelers and they recommended the traditional cider. It was delicious and had to be opened using a hammer. 

While looking for  my way to Kinkakuji, I got to a bus station and talked to this old lady. She was friendly and tried to give me directions to no avail. I gave her a piece of candy (from Miyuki's mom). She was very elated and thanked me alot. 

Another couple nearby (who was doing the "nothing fight") earlier next to me observed this and said something to me on the bus. Their names were Brian and Mary from Hawaii. We exchanged some recommendations of Kyoto. Brian gave me his card and told me to tell him if my adventures make it to Hawaii. 

Got to Kinkakuji (Golden temple). The main attraction was okay but again the surrounding garden was amazing. It started raining really hard and I had to hide underneath a shrine for about an hour. 

Walked, after the rain has slowed, to the Rock Garden (zen garden) There was just a few rocks and Sandstones but it  was very Zen and there are people from all over the world to come and see this.

the more i stare, the more beautiful it became.

Got on a bus that says JR that I was hoping would take me somewhere close to the station. NOOOO it didn't. 

It was bound for somewhere very far from Kyoto. The longer i sat on there, it started to feel like it wasn't turning around any time soon. 

It got farther and farther, but I know that I will be okay and didn't care for it to stop. Even if it dropped me off somewhere really far, I'll be able to find a place to sleep somewhere. 

It got to the other side of Kyoto, hidden in the mountains. EVerything was green alongside the road. There were trees that were incredibly tall but very narrow trunks.  These people were surrounded by nature, what a life!  I would love to live here someday.

Still haven't figured out exactly what the town is called. But it was awesome. 

Waited for the same bus to come back to Kyoto. Wish I can say it was a long and boring waste of time to get lost, but it was such an experience I would never get from going on a tour. 

It's very hard to write in a bus. I found some stuff I wrote that I can't read now..

I got to the station and had known that my next host, Tarta, was going to be at work until 10pm so I waited for a few hours at the station to call her. I was getting a little nervous cause I couldn't get a hold of her. She was all the way in Osaka. 

I finally made one last call and she picked up right away. Found out they were waiting for me for hours also. She had gotten off work earlier and tried to reach me. Anyway, I was feeling so relieved. 

Tarta is a very nice person from Thailand who'd been living in Japan for quite awhile. She was hosting another person from Germany named Berna. We all talked and Tarta gave me a welcoming treat that she bought from earlier. It was one of the best desserts I've eaten. 

I had to sleep on a couch that was too short and uneven. Oh well, it was sleep. 

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