31 July 2010

Japan day 4

Day 4: July 6th 2010

Miyuki and Nobu made breakfast with eggs, rice, and miso soup. They recommend me to go to Inuyama castle today.

On the way I found the best, I mean the VERY BEST, public toilet. Japanese style toilets (not the ones with the robotic water sprouts) but the traditional style toilets are the best way to "go" when you're in public.

I could go more in details, but I will spare some readers.

Got to Inuyama station, found that it is very green and forest-y. Walked around until I found a castle on top of a mountain. The entrance fee was ¥500 and it was worth it, definitely. Walked up many steps, found out this is one of Jaan's National Treasures, also one of the few old style castles left in the world.

I walked inside the castle and found exhibits of old Samurai costumes. I stepped on the floor and it moved, which scared me a little. I really thought it had moved.

Walked upstairs into the castle and went outside to see the 360ยบ View. Must be nice to be a Samurai here, I'd never go out and fight other clans, just stay here and enjoy the view.

Got a Japanese Melon Soft serve ice cream... yum!

Aliens Crossing?

Got back to Gifu after an adventurous time in Inuyama. 

Took a bus (which you have pay once you get OFF, not when you get on) to Gifu Park. Hiked up to Gifu Castle, but quarter of a way there, my shoes started to come apart. 

So I had to hike back down. It started raining (figures). So I ran to this place Nobu showed me yesterday. It was a Japanese Spa. For ¥1000 I got to stay at the hot springs for an hour. It was very VERY VERY hot. 

After I was refreshed, I took another bus back to the JR station and found how to rent a bike for only ¥100!!!

I rode that bike (with a basket) all the way down to APITA, a department store and bought a new pair of shoes. 

Biking was one of the best things that happened in Japan. It was so awesome to ride around on local streets and try to find my way around. Biked all the way back to Gifu park, finding myself a few cool sights along the way. Returned the bike before Miyuki picked me up. She took me to her English School at her mom's house. Her mom gave me TONS of candy. and also some Somen noodles. I went upstairs and met Thaiski, Miyuki's student. He was shy but we managed to have a few conversations. He had come to Thailand for the Full Moon Party in Phangnga. We all had a good time talking to each other. I realized  that I use a lot of hand gestures when I talk to Japanese..  Fish for dinner. Nobu and I looked through my pictures. It was a long day and I slept really well!

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