18 November 2009

Mini Polariods

Got this camera not too long ago.

It's a Fuji Mini Instax- this prints out little wallet sized polariods.

loving it. I have been playing with expensive cameras for a long time and needed a fun escape.

This costs about 50 cents apiece.

This first picture is of a local folk band we went to watch at a small venue called, "Why Sound?"
The band, called, "impending bloom," consists of two bearded men and a guitarist. They play string instruments of persian/indian descents with tunes from the Andes I've never heard of.

This is me and Cortni, a girl i've been dating for awhile now. This is after we ate a humongous banana split after watching Women's Rugby from a post awhile back. here's her attempting the Thom Yorke's Fake Plastic Tree video. I thought she was convincing.

The other party involved...

Hallow's eve, sporting the mullet

and finally, R.I.P. pepper plants. This is what our little seeds from the summer had grown into— left out in the snow one day, frozen to death— all four pepper plants.

Total damage= 4 plants + 6 green peppers.



  1. I love the colors of instant film. Sorry to hear about the pepper plants :(

  2. thanks hunter,

    didn't know anyone read this blog
