Tomorrow I've got a gig shooting someone getting a tattoo. I'll be shooting it myself. Thinking I'll bring a few patches of green filters for the existing fluorescents and that'll be sufficient. Some macro shots, and then a bit of a wider shot, some reaction faces shots. I think that'd be good.
I'm listening to some of the live stuff I found of Damien Rice {Live at Fingerprint Warts and All is the album you should check out if you like his stuff}. I found out that Damien Rice and Glen Hansard had busked together in Dublin before, which is pretty awesome. It's one of the great feelings when you inadvertently find out your favorite artists admire each other and worked together.
I've gotta give a shout out to my friend Julia from Germany. She writes me these terrific emails that kept me company while I was feeling a bit lonely this week. My sister just left for her study abroad— I don't know if that has to do with it. Some people write me emails and letters do so in a way that mimics their own speech really makes me miss them plenty. You know who you all are. I appreciate your companionship from so far away.
So now that my sister is gone, I'm the only child really home. This is the the complete reverse of when I was the only one gone from the house. It's my goal right now to not give my parents too much of a hard time. One thing is that I don't want them to feel old {kinda silly of me, but I think they appreciate it}. Another thing is I'm trying as much as I can to play the "Yes Man" for them. Whatever they ask for, I take a second and for the most part say yes. You know what? It may go against a lot of my independent thinking but they've had to say yes to a lot of things I've done since I was a baby—cleaning my poop, waking up in the middle of the night to rock me, feeding me, etc.— so I think I can screw my ego and give them what they ask for once in awhile.
Yesterday I chopped a huge chunk of my hair off. It feels good. I don't feel like a caveman anymore.
Found out my parents want to visit Laos next week. So I'll be traveling to Vientiane, then a 2-day boat trip up Luang Prabang to visit some of the sights. This will be a preview of my round the world trip [well, not quite since it'll be more luxurious with my parents]. I'll take some photos and report back. I'm actually looking forward for this trip. After which, I'm booked to be on a Norwegian film for about a week or two. It's pretty exciting news. Also a possible 17 day project from a different company, that one is up in the air however.
I saw Norma Rae, Welcome to the Riley's, and The Black Dahlia's this week. I'm impressed by Sally Field in Norma Rae, but her voice/accent was a bit annoying. The other two were harder to watch, I'm not really in the mood for darker films this week anyway.
I keep writing because I can't sleep. I hope that's okay. I was so bored after work today I played Monopoly on the PS3 for hours. It got way addicting— need to cut my nerdy habits.
i see no need why monopoly needs the processing power of a PS3, wheres your sister traveling abroad too?
ReplyDelete- Alberto
You know what, it did not need the power of PS3, but it was a free game, and I love how beautifully rendered the old man is.