16 November 2009

This American Life

I always had a sense that all television programs are garbage.

The news always focused on the absolute worst of society, reality shows are fake, comedies are unrealistic, and even sports, as much as I enjoyed watching sports, is another outlet to see what other people in the world could do, while you sit on the couch munching on pointless snacks.

This week I found on Netflix— This American Life. Produced by Alex Blumberg and Ira Glass of NPR. It's a long going public radio show that was already meaningful. The television series by Showtime is amazing visually.

Each week they choose a theme, find a few interesting stories on that theme and tell it in a way that connects with the audience like I've never seen.

This is quality television— I should say small series of documentaries on television. I highly recommend it to anyone. This week I've watched one and a half season of this show online. It's shown me many perspectives I've never thought of before.


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