23 February 2011

Delightful Interruption

I was going to write an entry. Then Sam Beam entered my life.

I can't believe I missed that Iron and Wine just released a new album. I shall write after an hour of my favorite music.

Eff yeah x 2

Utter disappointment. I think I was biased with this album. I just wasn't expecting this from Iron and Wine. Maybe the second time around will be better. 

Something good did come out of it. My mom heard me listening to loud music and entered my room. She brought with her a diary that was 22 years old.

She began to read me her account of how I was growing up.

My first day of school. 
My first words.
My first Lego.

I'll dig through these pages another day and share some with you. I was a crazy kid. 


I'm listening to Kiss Each Other Clean by Iron and Wine.

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