22 February 2011

Beautiful People

Being without Facebook feels a little weird, but I'm sure I'll live without it.

Today, for an odd reason, everywhere I looked, everyone I saw was good looking. It was an interesting feeling— difficult to explain.

On another note, I visited my dermatologist today. We sat down and had a nice chat about a few things. She mentioned that my mom  told her about part of my experience in the US. Hearing this from someone else's perspective makes me feel like my days in Cali were pretty screwed. It sounds like I didn't really have a great family the first four years in the US.

Well, to be honest, my time was pretty crappy. The people at home I had to deal with were terrible.

The doctor asked me how I was able to endure all that while I was 12-13 years old.

I couldn't answer her at first.

Then I told her that I credit it to my personality. It didn't matter how good or bad other people were. It was my natural "screw it" attitude. Nothing could bother me.

Then something came out of my mouth that was profound. I said that if I keep lingering on bad people or bad things that happened to me, then those things would only get worse. Sure, I need to acknowledge bad things are bad, but as soon as I did that. Letting it go is how I rip the bandage.


I just watched "The Town"
I'm listening to Lisa Hannigan's "Sea Sew"

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